The only way to have a friend is to be one....Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Yee Haw ~ I Hit The Jackpot

We went for a beautiful drive today, headed to the Annual Chainsaw Carving Festival in Scandia, PA.  Along the way, we passed the One Room School House, that's when I spotted it....  Yes, I spotted a sign, Indoor Garage sale 8 - 4 ....  whoa Daddy-o, turn this truck around, we're goin' back...

I am soooo glad we took the time to stop..

Not only is the School House fabulous (we got a tour) but they turned part of it into a museum.  It is chock full of goodies.  I took lots of pictures, I'll share in another post...

Okay, back to the sale... immediately upon entering the room, I see it, all of it....

PEWTER ~ a whole flippin table full...

So, who's coming for dinner?

No, that's not all of it!
My Favorites
Serving Pcs.
All 58 pcs.
Yes, I scored 58 pcs. of Wilton Pewter
made in Columbia, PA
I want you to guess what I paid...
I'll reveal the amount later on...

This was my collection before today

Anyway, we had a lovely family day, beautiful Springtime Scenery, had a great time at the festival (got pics of it too) and spent the day together.  Don't get any better than that!

Have a Great Night...


  1. Yee Haw Traci! LOL...big score! Sounds like a great day with the fam! ~*~Lisa

  2. Wow! What a HUGE score! What a great Mother's Day present. :)


  3. Hi Traci~

    You sure hit the jackpot today!!

    Have a wonderful evening~Becky

  4. OH MY HECK!! I've died and gone to pewter HEAVEN! WOWWWW!!! I LOVE pewter! LOVE your wonderful finds. I can't believe it!! Guess at what you spent??? I would think you got a deal if you walked away with all 58 pieces for under $1000 - but....knowing you and your intuitiveness for great finds....I'm gonna say you spent around $500???? (And I would be green at that price....) Ohhhh....You are so lucky GIRL! Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  5. Wow! You hit the motherload! I can't even begin to guess how little paid for the pewter but hopefully you got a fabulous deal.


  6. wow you did hit the mother load..I will say $30.00 for it all..enjoy..have a great rest of your weekend..

  7. I'm guessing $20 because I would have dickered until I got it that reasonable or walked away!
    Sounds like a great day!

  8. hit the motherload with all that pewter...SWEEEEET!!
    can't wait to hear what you paid for it. I always like to see what others are getting their treasures for!!

  9. Wow! Lucky you!! Who EVER gets a bunch of pewter like that at one time?!!
    My guess -- $100. Can't wait to hear how much you actually paid! I had a piece of pewter in my hand yesterday for $8.50 at a junk shop. Put it back b/c the line was too long.... wish I had it now -- isn't that always the way??!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  10. Holy Moly, you sure did hit the jack pot!
    You luck, lucky gal! Happy Mother's Day.

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  11. Hi Traci,
    I've never seen that much pewter in one place before!!!! I'm guessing you paid $40. Can't wait to hear what you did pay for it!!
    Happy Mother's Day.


  12. Oh Traci, you lucky gal! I'm guessing $125. Boy, I'd love to have pewter like that. Nicely done princess:)

  13. Wow, you hit the jackpot, what a lovely day! Happy Mother's Day! Hugs, Lecia

  14. I'm guessing $50..I know your a sensible treasure seeker like me.Can't wait to tour the little school house with you.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  15. Wow! What a great find to add to your collection!
    I'm going to guess $75.00
    Can't wait to see the pictures from your day!
    Prim Blessings

  16. Traci~
    I am drooling!! Great find! I won't even guess the price ~ it is so pretty!!!WOW

  17. Hi Traci. I live in Virginia and have 39 pieces of the pewter ware that I'm interested in selling. Any ideas how to go about it?


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